Estimates of the orphan crisis range from 147 million to 153 million orphans in the world. That is at least 1/3 more than the amount of people who turned out for the election of the President of the United States two week ago.
There are approximately 4.6 million orphans in the DRC alone. Here is a picture to give you some perspective:
Every single person in the "Greater Boston" area would be an orphan. EVERYONE! Not just all the children in that area, but everyone. Can you begin to see how many children that is? Children. They have no one to protect them, no one to provide for them, no home, no mother, no father, not enough food, and no LOVE. Can you imagine never experiencing love? That is the life of these children. Here are some photos of a friend of mine who was in Congo picking up her children in October:
Yes, that is the Congo River.
Can you see the person in the tent?
That's a village.
Friends, this is not Sally Strouthers from those 80's commercials. The is not, "eat all your food because there are starving children in Africa!" I think we, as Americans, have been desensitized to the conditions of orphans in Africa and around the world.
I have a friend there, right now. She is using the same facilitator that we are. The facilitator brought her son to her on Friday. That night, the little boy had an absolute meltdown at dinner time. My friend just thought that they would share with him off of their plates. The little screamed and screamed. He ended up getting so mad that he crawled under the bed and ate his chicken leg to the bone. When I say to the bone, I mean fat and grisle and ALL! They are now giving him his own plate but he still has a melt down at meal times, then he eats until he throws up. He drinks water until he throws up. This 4 year old little boy doesn't know that he is now is the arms of his forever family and won't have to worry about his next meal because it will be provided for.
The orphan crisis is serious. I honestly feel like I am on a rescue mission to get my daughter. Rob and I feel like one of our children is across the world and we have to get to her before it is too late. If you believe in Christ, you should be on a rescue mission as well because the Bible states over and over what is written so eloquently in James 1:27:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
It is not every one's calling to adopt, we fully understand that. Please think about what it is that you CAN do. Sponsor a child? Make a one time donation? Help another family adopt? There is something you can do, I know it - pray about it, and you will know too!
Rob and I were awarded a matching grant through Hand in Hand Christian Adoption. If you would like to support us, now is the time! We have until November 30th for Hand in Hand to receive any donations on our behalf. They will then MATCH it dollar for dollar. Please help if you can! We appreciate it!
If you want to make a donation, please make your check payable to Hand in Hand Christian Adoption and mail to:
Hand in Hand Christian Adoption
Rob and Christy Whitver
18318 Mimosa Court
Gardner, KS 66030
Thank you for your support!