Friday, November 9, 2012


I have tried a couple of times to post as there has been A LOT of things going on that I wanted to share, but I just can’t seem to get everything out in a reasonable amount of words.  Seriously, I have tried like 7 times…..and it is extremely long! 

So, for now, I will just sum it up and say that GOD IS GREAT and that He has brought a new realization to me of his faithfulness and his love for me!
Our silent auction was FABULOUS!  I cannot believe that it came together in less than 3 weeks.  We received donations galore and so many people shared on their Facebook pages and I have been overwhelmed by its success.  It is by far our most successful fundraiser so far!  We made over $1,500 in 4 days!  Can you believe that?  Amazing!

Adoption Update – We were submitted to court on October 25th.  This is an exciting and very important step!  We have also received our birth certificate judgment.  This is a judgment that will order the social welfare to give the birth certificate.  It will make it easier to get our names on the birth certificate once the judge rules in favor of the adoption.  This will also take some time off of the “wait” after the adoption judgment, so that is very cool!  We are hoping to have judgment this month, but it may not happen until December.  We are preparing to file in country, which would put us in Africa for 3 weeks +/-; I’m just not sure that I can wait for 2 to 3 months here in the US while things are settled.  We are praying very diligently over this, so any prayer that you would be willing to offer, we would be most grateful.

We are still a little short in the money department and we are trying to decide what to do – T-shirts or something similar.  I have seen so many creative t-shirts so I’m not sure we will be able to compete with them, but I’m willing to try it at some point!

Until later, I appreciate you taking the time read our blog and for your caring in our adoption process!


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