I know that it has been some time since we have updated the blog, and our sincerest apologies. Things have been moving at an incredible pace lately; we have finally received both the adoption and birth certificate judgements! In addition, the 30 day wait period known as CONA has expired, which means she is officially a Whitver!
I do have to digress a bit and tell on Christy, but only becaus she hasn't done it yet and because there is such a cool lesson in this for her. There are several families that are in roughly the same point in the process as we are and apparantly we were all submitted to court at the end of October. Well, the other families received word a couple of weeks ago that they all passed court on November 3rd but we didn't get our judgement...bummer. Major bummer! Apparantly there was some sort of issue with our paperwork but we didn't know what it was and we weren't getting any communication back from the orphanage director as to why. A week went by, 10 days and counting and the frustration was mounting...especially for Christy. I kept telling her that everything will work out according to God's timing, but she didn't like hearing that...not one bit! Well, at the end of November, right after Thanksgiving in fact, we got word that we actually did pass court along with the other families, and not only did we get our judgement, but by that time the 30 day wait period was almost over! The process, in reality, wasn't delayed even one day, yet I firmly believe that God used this to show Christy again that she has to put her whole faith in Him and His plan, because His plan is really the best one. We laugh about it now, but she was amused while in the middle of it all!
So, now she is officially a Whitver...she is officially OUR DAUGHTER! That seems almost surreal typing and saying that, but it's true. Even crazier is saying that we now have 4 kids! It has to be His design because it surely wasn't ours, but we are uber excited and have started making plans for when we get to go over and get her. On that note, we are currently waiting for her official birth certificate to be issued and her Congolese passport; once we have both of those things, we can travel. We are tentatively planning on leaving for Congo on January 25th, arriving the 27th. From our understanding, as soon as you get there they bring your child to you and she will stay in the hotel with us while the final paperwork is being finished (travel visa, exit letter, etc.) --And this is the best part: January 27th is Christy's birthday! Tell me that wouldn't be the best birthday present ever?! I'm praying that God's timing matches up with this little scenario...
So, we are beginning to paint her room; it's going to be a sun yellow and I'm going to paint flowers and butterflies on the walls for her as well...hopefully it'll turn out good. (yes, i'm kinda artsy in that way...if you've ever seen my son's room you know why) We also have her bedding stuff, which was donated by our awesome neighbors from their girls, so there's another buck saved.
Anyway, that's all for now...we promise to keep this updated more regularly. Thanx for keeping up with us.
YAAAAAY!!!!!! Congratulations, Whitvers!