Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So many things!

So many things have happened since our last post that it will probably take a couple of posts to catch everything up! 

First of all can I just say - STUCK!  If you have not seen or heard about this movie, please go see it when it comes to your town or buy it online here:

This is an awesome look into international adoption - corruption, red tape and everything in between. It was truly an awesome movie!  We went opening night and it was great.  They had a question and answer session afterwards that was really neat as well.  They had the "producer" - the man whose idea this was, they had a local adoptive parent couple that had adopted 9 children and then they had the President of the National Council for Adoption.  It was wonderful.  I did get a chance to speak with the president of the National Council for Adoption afterwards and he was really nice.  I spoke to him about the Embassy changes and the new process in Congo and he was really helpful! (Can't share on a public blog. Sorry!)

Sometimes it is hard to understand what it is like being in this "waiting" phase of adoption.  Some liken it to being "paper pregnant".  Anyway you look at it the fact remains - THIS IS SO HARD!  And I hate waiting!  Although, I understand now, that part of the reason for our additional wait time was to open our hearts to a second child.  If we had been ready to travel when we were "supposed" to be, then we never would have accepted "G"'s referral and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he was intended to be our son.

I can't begin to think that I know all of God's plan for my life - or the life of my family.  He is introducing His plan according to His will - not mine.  Last year, I had this vision (not a sparkly picture or anything) "planted" in my mind.  I told it to Rob and he was like, "Oh yeah? Hmmmm".  It seemed that every avenue I went down to even BEGIN pursuing this idea was a dead end.  I went and met with one of our pastors - he said, "Christy, I don't know how you are making your life work right now.  You need to wait.  This would not be something you should do right this second."  Needless to say, I was a disappointed.  A couple of weeks later, Rob and I met with another guy from our church who has alot of christian connections since I figured it was time to change jobs.  Do you know what he said?  "Christy, you guys have alot going on right now and I'm not sure you should be changing jobs."  OMG!  Needless to say, I got the message LOUD and CLEAR.

Every so often, I have been thinking about my idea or "vision", but it never felt right.  Rob was not totally on board either.  To him this was just one of my crazy ideas.........

Then, in February, I was in church and we were having a sermon on being "BOLD".  I felt it.  NOW, it is time.  GO!  

And I went!  And it is exciting!  And Rob is ON FIRE and just as passionate about it as I am!  We are so excited!!!  Details will be coming soon!

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