Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Completely humbled...

What an amazing, humbling day yesterday was.  So many people have donated and shared our story in order to help us, many of whom we don't even know!  Wow, wow, wow...I'm truly at a loss for words with the generiosity of so many.  There is one donation in particular that completely broke me down that I wanted to share with you, not because it's a large sum of money but because it is a powerful testimony of God's provision and blessing, and as an added bonus my oldest son Dillan (12) got to learn first-hand this lesson with me.

Sometime yesterday morning, while I was trying desperately to keep track of the shares on FB of our story for the giveaway we are doing, the doorbell rang.  In some houses everyone comes to the front door, but not ours...friends and family come in through the garage, knock and then come in, so the doorbell ringing was an unusual occurance.  Dillan beat me to the door and on the porch was an envelop that simply said "Give 1, Save1" on it, nothing more, and an SUV drove quickly away, no idea who it was inside.  So he brought the envelope inside, opened it and exclaimed "Dad, there's cash in here!" and I could tell that it wasn't just a couple of bills.  I asked him to read me the note that accompanied the donation because I could already feel my emotions welling up inside me and I wasn't sure I could even talk.  This is what the note said:

We are so proud of your family!!!  What an inspiration you are to all of us at Journey.  We were so moved when we heard Christy's testmony after her trip to Haiti.  You guys are amazing!  We are so inspired by people who truly hear God's voice put something on their hearts and then are courageous enough to act on it!!  What a blessing this will  be to your 3 sons here and the daughter and son you are about to join into your family!  May God continue to bless you!

And with tears streaming down my face, Dillan counted out the donation;  100, 200, 500...1000 dollars!  I couldn't take it...I broke down into a sobbing mess. 

Why do I share this with you?  I'm hesitant to even share the amount.  It's certainly not because I want to be boastful or proud, it's because I want to show that with God all things are possible.  In a moment where I was worried about how in the world are we going to raise enough money to adopt Galvani as well as Imani, God came through in a big way and showed me that we won't be able to in a worldly way, but He can and will in only ways that He can orchestrate.  And to have my son witness this powerful example with me is something that I am truly, truly thankful for...a hundred words couldn't have taught him the lesson that he learned today by someone's anonymous donation.  And to whomever you were yesterday on my front porch, we thank God for you, your heart, and pray that you receive blessings in return 10-fold. 

I'd also like to thank each and every one of you who have donated, from 1 dollar on up your donations have been adding up.  I'm excited to announce that we've raised enough money to bring Imani home and we are stepping closer towards raising enough to bring Galvani home as well!  You've helped to bring an innocent child home forever, let's continue to spread the news so that we can bring both of them home.

Thank you!



  1. I'm reading this post in tears! I LOVE seeing how God is moving to bring your children HOME!!! I pray that this week continues to be a blessing, an affirmation from your Heavenly Father that He called you to this adoption journey and He is right there beside you each and every step of the way. Providing and loving your family and your children half a world away.

    1. Thank you Jenny! Yesterday was an incredible day and we are excited about the remainder of the week and beyond.
