Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We are certifiably crazy...

There are days, one of them being today, where I think that we are certifiably crazy for adding a fourth child to our household.  Three boys, ages 11, 9 and 5, already keep us super busy and in a constant state of flux, with practices and school functions sending us this way and that.  Is adding a fourth, and a little girl at that, really such a wise choice?  Are we really going to be able to manage 4 children's schedules, financially support 4 children, have enough love for 4 children? 
Here is where I find myself at the end of my abilities and well short of where I need to be to be a good father to 4 kids...and this is where I must fully rely on God to carry me the rest of the way.  The really cool thing is that when I allow myself and my fears to get out of the way, when I allow Him to show me the finish line, I'm filled with an incredible sense of joy and excitement for what is to come.  I've always heard of other people allowing God to work through them, and this must be what that feels like because I feel completely inadequate yet very blessed to be used like this (and all I've really done is said "Yes").  Prayers are needed and appreciated...


  1. Still praying for you guys....

  2. All I can say is that as soon as I heard about your decision I was filled with anticipation for everything God is going to do in your lives through this. It is easy for me to be excited and not anxious because I'm not the one actually doing it! lol Seriously though, I'll be praying all the way through the process for you guys. Thanks for doing the blog so I can share in your journey. :)
