Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Talk about putting yourself out there...

Wow...definately out of our comfort zone.  We just sent our support letter via either hand delivered letter or a Facebook event to over 200 people!  That's a whole lot of "Hey, here we are and we need help."  Then again, there shouldn't be any shame in asking for help with this sort of undertaking....but....that's a lot of people!  Just feeling a little overwhelmed about the whole thing.  Thanx to all of you who are following us on this journey and supporting us through prayer and otherwise;  it truly makes a huge difference. 


  1. By the way, please feel free to leave comments on any of the posts; we love to read them and actually really look forward to them.

  2. I think your friends and family are honored to join you in this venture. Thanks for the privilege of supporting you on your journey.
