Friday, August 30, 2013

Tracking DNA (8/12/13)


Today was a very active day of sitting around the house! LOL I was very busy tracking the DNA package across the world. We spoke to several people at DHL and the DNA Center. When we ordered this DNA test the lady told me that they would email or fax the results to the Embassy. Here is a quote: "The results go to the Embassy immediately!" Well, not so much. Apparently, this Embassy is one of the 10 percent from around the world that wants their results in hard copy format. That means another trip through the DHL process. UGH! So, after many many phone calls yesterday to London and the US, we learned that the package was leaving England at night and would arrive in Cincinnati on the 12th. We were super doubtful, but finally, last night the page UPDATED and showed leaving England, Then, in the middle of my night, it arrived in Cincinnati! YEAH! It is scheduled for delivery today and I am praying that the test is completed and able to be shipped back to Congo on Thursday's flight! Then, it should arrive in Congo on Sunday night/Monday morning. So, it appears that even though the package was delayed a couple of times in Kenya and England, we technically will not loose any "time". That is a good thing!!!

I am also waiting on some paperwork to be redone. Everyday we are told "tomorrow". We need this paperwork THIS WEEK. Please help us pray this into fruition! I know this can happen as stranger things have happened in Congo!

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